My Little Books

My Little Books

… from being in the process
Recovering Autism [... being in the process of] Starting to Change Food by Sally Rebekah

Starting to Change Food is a recipe book created for those who want to begin the process of changing the beige food addiction with children.  You’ll learn how to make bread using traditional methods, batch-cook healthier options to the shop-bought favourites, and open the door to food that’s pure, simple, and nutrient-rich…

The Journey is a heartfelt collection of moments from a mother’s story about supporting her son with overcoming the challenges of autism.  It provides a glimpse into the highs and lows that span a five-year period, filled with resilience, and most importantly, hope.  Learn about the practical solutions from first-hand experience…

Recovering Autism [...being in the process of] The Journey - by Sally Rebekah
Books I Recommend Reading…
Gut and Psychology Syndrome
Gut And Physiology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto
The Art Of Fermentation
The Nemechek Protocol
The Healing Code